Executive Committee
The Executive Committee of the New Hanover County Republican LIberty Caucus is responsible for the day-to-day operations of our local chapter. We get together on a regular basis to plan upcoming events, fundraising, and how to move forward as an organization. The Executive Committee is comprised of the Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary of the New Hanover RLC, along with up to 7 At-Large members. While full membership in the New Hanover RLC is open to anyone (regardless of party affiliation), members of the Executive Committee are required to be registered Republicans.
The Executive Committee's meeting schedule will be annouiced on this website, and meetings are open to any member of the New Hanover RLC. Members of the Executive Committee are elected every 2 years at our annual county convention. If replacement members become necessary they will be elected at the next monthly meeting of the RLC chapter. The term of all of the current members of the Executive Committee will end at our 2022 county convention.
If you would like to get actively involved with the New Hanover RLC and would like to become a member of the Executive Committee then please contact us.
David Perry
- Chair -
Mr. Perry is a founding member of the New Hanover RLC, and was elected to Chair of the Chapter in July of 2020. A software engineer by day, David spends a good chunk of his personal time fighting for the cause of liberty.
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Steve Mattison
- Vice Chair -
Steve is a founding member of the New Hanover RLC, and was elected to office in July of 2020. Steve is dedicated and committed to the success of our local chapter, as well as passionate about the issues.
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Stefan Davis
- Treasurer -
Mr. Davis joined the New Hanover RLC in October of 2020, and was elected to Treasurer shortly thereafter. After serving our country in the Marine Corps, Stefan has taken up the culinary arts and is a chef in Wrightsville Beach.
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Marlisa Perry
- Secretary -
Mrs. Perry is a founding memeber of the New Hanover RLC, and was elected to Secretary of the Chapter in July of 2020. Marlisa has worked at the Wilmington Fire Dept since 2013, and is passionate about liberty and the environment.
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John Pflug
- At-Large Member -
Mr. Pflug joined the New Hanover RLC in September of 2020 and was elected to the Executive Committee shortly thereafter. Orginally from Texas, John now serves as the Pastor of the Windemere Presbyterian Church in WIlmington.
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Will Beasley
- At-Large Member -
Mr. Beasley is a founding member of the New Hanover RLC, and was elected to office in January of 2021. When Will is not working he loves the outdoors and getting involved in elections.
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