Matt Rhodes for NHC Sheriff Matt Rhodes for NHC Sheriff

This is an extremely important meeting. Our Endorsement Committee will recommend local candidates for us to help, but it's up to our membership to make the final decisions on endorsements. While we welcome everyone to attend, only members will be allowed to vote.

After we are through business, we welcome Matt Rhodes as our guest speaker. Matt is a Republican candidate for New Hanover County Sheriff. He will outline the issues, his vision for the Sheriff's Office, and take your questions.

Finally, we have just started the Liberty Fund Gun Raffle. You can buy tickets online now, but if you would prefer to buy them in-person then come on down!</p

If you need to attend virtually then follow the instructions below:

Price / Ticketing:
  • Price: FREE!
  • Tickets: N/A

Morning Glory Coffeehouse (Virtually through Zoom)
1415 Dawson St
Wilmington, NC 28401
Click here for map

Virtual Attendance
  • Zoom Meeting ID: 899 6572 9199
  • Zoom URL:
  • Zoom Password: NHCRLC
  • Zoom Instructions:
                            New Hanover County Republican Liberty Caucus is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
    Topic: March Special Meeting w/Guest Speaker Matt Rhodes for NHC SHerriff
    Time: Mar 19, 2022 09:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
    Join Zoom Meeting
    Meeting ID: 899 6572 9199
    Passcode: NHCRLC
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    Meeting ID: 899 6572 9199
    Passcode: 650460
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