Tom Toby for NHC Commissioner Tom Toby for NHC Commissioner

One of our main goals as a local chapter of the RLC is to help to get principled Republican candidates elected to local office who are committed to limited government, individual freedom, and our Constitution. One of the keys in making this happen is to help these candidates win Republican primaries. But first we must identify who those candidates are.

To that end, we are inviting Tom Toby to speak to our chapter this month. Tom has announced his 2022 candidacy for the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. He will outline his vision for our county, positions on the issues, and take questions from the audience. We hope you will join us for this informative meeting.

If you can’t attend in-person then be sure to join us via Zoom. The login information for that is listed below.

Price / Ticketing:
  • Price: FREE!
  • Tickets: N/A

Morning Glory Coffeehouse (Virtually through Zoom)
1415 Dawson St
Wilmington, NC 28401
Click here for map

Virtual Attendance
  • Zoom Meeting ID: 886 9167 4509
  • Zoom URL:
  • Zoom Password: NHCRLC
  • Zoom Instructions:
                            New Hanover County Republican Liberty Caucus is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
    Topic: November Meeting w/Tom Toby for NHC Commisioner
    Time: Nov 6, 2021 09:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
    Join Zoom Meeting
    Meeting ID: 886 9167 4509
    Passcode: NHCRLC
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            +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
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    Meeting ID: 886 9167 4509
    Passcode: 876453
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