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From the Governor's Office, to the NC General Assembly, to the NC Supreme Court - If it affects your freedom we will cover the story!
Allen Chesser is the Chair of the North Carolina Republican Liberty Caucus. He recently was elected to the NC House from District 25, with an upset of incumbent Democrat James Gailliard.
In 2021, Gov. Cooper blew past his previous years’ corporate welfare numbers in pledging $1.3 billion in incentives giveaways to just 58 corporations His 39-year, $846-million award to Apple, a company with more money than the State of North Carolina, was named the “Worst Economic Development Deal of the Year” by the Center for Economic...
A proposal that would legalize medical marijuana for conditions like cancer, HIV/AIDS and severe PTSD in North Carolina will be back up for debate in 2022.
The fate of legalized medical maijuana in North Carolina faced a stiff test on Thursday. However, it has escaped defeat within all the committees it has passed through, and is ready for an up/down vote in the NC Senate next.
North Carolina Republicans are right to be concerned, and are right to want to get North Carolina back to work. The problem is that their solution also includes writing $1500 bonus checks to those on unemployment to actually get off their 'duff' and get back to work.
The NC Sheriffs Association has now done a 180 degree turn and now supports dismantlement of the North Carolina Pistol Purchase Permit system. The NC House has now revised legislation to this end. If signed into law pistols would be sold like longarms in NC; simply requiring an instant background check.
One of the highest-ranking Republicans in the North Carolina legislature supports medical marijuana. Brunswick County Sen. Bill Rabon, chairman of the powerful Senate Rules Committee, introduced a bill Wednesday to legalize marijuana for medical use.