We're not just a group...WE ARE THE MOVEMENT! Kick off your July 4th weekend the right way by celebrating our individual liberty.
About this event
The New Hanover RLC is the Conscience of the New Hanover County Republican Party. Our growing movement recognizes that the GOP desperately needs to return to its historical values of individual liberty, limited and fiscally responsible government, and absolute fidelity to our state and federal Constitutions. We invite you to join us for our 2nd biennial Convention on Saturday, July 2, 2022. While we certainly hope that you are already a member, you are certainly welcome to become a member by signing up online or in-person at the Convention. Although you must be a registered Republican to serve as on officer or executive committee member, Republican party affiliation is not a requirement to become a full voting member. Even, if you are unsure if you want to become a member right now, our Convention will be open to the public, as we encourage you to join the festivities!
This is a luncheon convention. The convention fee is only $20 and includes provided pizza, wings, appetizers, and soft drinks. A full bar is available to those who wish to purchase alcoholic beverages.
Besides voting for new officers and members of our Executive Committee and performing business, we are happy to welcome three great guest speakers.
Dr. Thomas Simpson
The Federal Reserve Policy & the Federal Budget
Former UNCW Economics Professor Dr. Thomas D. Simpson joins us to discuss the current inflation crisis, and the effects of Federal Reserve Policy and our Federal Budget upon it. Dr. Simpson received his A.B. in economics from the University of Minnesota and his Ph.D. in economics from the University of Chicago. He has focused his professional career on monetary policy and financial markets—serving as a senior official at the Federal Reserve Board and to the Federal Open Market Committee. He has been a resident advisor to the Central Bank of Russia and is a principal advisor to the Central Bank of Iraq. He has published articles in various professional journals and is author of "Money, Banking, and Economic Analysis."
Allison Dunlap
Critical Race Theory (CRT) in our Local Public Schools
Former 2021 Leland Town Council candidate Allison Dunlap joins us to discuss how CRT is packaged and deployed in our local school districts as SEL, diversity and inclusion, and the danger it brings to our children. Allison is currently the Chair of the North Brunswick Republican Club and serves on the North Carolina Elections Integrity Team. She is actively involved in grassroots activities and runs a successful small business. Allison received her bachelors degree in Communications Studies from East Carolina University in 2005.
Steve Hoffman
Why is there a Republican Liberty Caucus???
Current National Alternate Director for the Republican Liberty Caucus, and co-founder of the South Carolina RLC, Steve Hoffman joins us to discuss the dreadful current state of the GOP and why it is in need of serious reform. Mr. Huffman received a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration from the University of New Hampshire, and a Master's degree in Aeronautical Science from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.
- Price: $20.00
- Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2022-new-hanover-rlc-convention-registration-369483102907
Burnt Mill Creek Billiards & Wine Bar
2101 Market St #7
Wilmington, NC 28403
Click here for map
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