Maverick Doane for NHCS School Board Maverick Doane for NHCS School Board

We know many of you are disgusted by the recent actions of the New Hanover County School Board. Even the votes of our Republican members of that board have been very disappointing. Therefore, we have invited Maverick Doane to speak to, and answer questions from, our group. Mr. Doane is a declared candidate for the NHCS School Board and a committed member of the New Hanover RLC. We strongly encourage you to come to this month’s meeting.

Maverick is a recent graduate of UNC - Chapel Hill who majored in Political Science. He also was the former North Carolina Chair for Young Americans for Liberty. We will also be making plans in this meeting for some upcoming activism. The New Hanover RLC is not just a social group, but a growing Liberty Movement! We encourage you to come in person, but you can also join us virtually through Zoom:

Price / Ticketing:
  • Price: FREE!
  • Tickets: N/A

Morning Glory Coffeehouse (Virtually through Zoom)
1415 Dawson St
Wilmington, NC 28401
Click here for map

Virtual Attendance
  • Zoom Meeting ID: 976 0066 6444
  • Zoom URL:
  • Zoom Password: NHCRLC
  • Zoom Instructions:
                            New Hanover County Republican Liberty Caucus is inviting you to ascheduled Zoom meeting.
    Topic: August Meeting w/Maverick Doane for NHCS School Board
    Time: Aug 7, 2021 09:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
    Join Zoom Meeting:
    Meeting ID: 976 0066 6444
    Passcode: NHCRLC
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    Meeting ID: 976 0066 6444
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