New Hanover RLC 2022 Candidate Endorsement Process Underway
Emphasis on local May primaries for Board of Commissioners, Board of Education, and Sheriff
One of the major goals of the New Hanover RLC is to assist Republican candidates that share our commitment to individual liberty, limited and constitutional government, and fiscal conservatism, to actually get elected to local office. Once a candidate wins their primary, there is usually no shortage of assistance available to the candidate from all sources in the GOP, and they usually will have a strong chance to win in the general election. The hard part is getting liberty candidates, most often underfunded and without the support of the Republican establishment, through the primary process as victors.
As a result, the New Hanover RLC has decided to get heavily involved in the 2022 Republican Primary Election, which will occur on May 17, 2022. We have decided to concentrate our efforts on identifying, endorsing, and assisting principled Republican liberty candidates win in the following local races:
- New Hanover County Board of Commissioners (2 of 5 seats available in 2022)
- New Hanover County Board of Education (4 of 7 seats available in 2022)
- New Hanover County Sheriff
Unless the NC Supreme Court rules otherwise, the filing period for these races will begin on February 24, 2022 and end on March 4, 2022. There is very little time between the end of the filing period and the primary election. If we actually want to substantially assist candidates that we endorse win, we must be organized, and follow an agressive time schedule. Therefore, we have established and approved candidate surveys for these races. We will dissimenate these surveys now to all declared Republican candidates for these races, and if any new candidates file for these races, we will forward them an appropriate survey immediately. In all cases, we have set a deadline on March 11, 2022 for the candidates to apply for our endorsement and to submit their survey to us. Here are the links to these surveys:
- New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Survey
- New Hanover County Board of Education Survey
- New Hanover County Sheriff Survey
Republican candidates for the NC General Assembly, or for other statewide office, who seek the aid of the New Hanover RLC, should apply directly to the state chapter of the Republican Liberty Caucus. Please contact Chairman Allen Chesser via email at If approved by the state RLC, the New Hanover RLC will do its best to help the campaigns of these candidates as well.
John Pflug, Committee Chair
To aid in our agressive schedule of identifying and helping principled liberty candidates in achieving victory in May, we have established the New Hanover RLC Candidate Endorsement Committee. At-Large Executive Committee member John Pflug has agrred to chair this very important committee. The committee will be responsible for grading candidate surveys and for making recommendations to the membership on who (if anyone) we should endorse and assist. In addition, once any endorsements have been approved, this committee will be directly responsible for working with the campaigns of those candidates to develop and implement activities that will enable these candidates to win in May. Activities could include: throwing fundraising events, door knocking campaigns, phone banking, organizing volunteers to work the polls, or any other acticity that the committee deems would be beneficial. All New Hanover RLC members are encouraged to join and help out. If you are not yet a member, then please join today!
Members interested in participating in this committee should email Committee Chair John Pflug ASAP at:, or give him a call at (910) 617-5200. The Committee will make its own schedule, and many meetings will likely be held virtually through Zoom. We know you are busy and that you have lives to live, but if we want to continue to live in a state that is part of the "Land of the free and the home of the brave" then we have some serious work to do!
Candidates - please complete your surveys, submit them ASAP, and reach out to John Pflug for any questions you might have. We appreciate the self-sacrifice you are making by running for public office, and we want you to know that, regardless of whether we endorse your candidacy or not.